Planck E PressCenter Articles

Renovabio and the Contextual Illusion

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-11-14
Date modified: 2022-11-14
Reading time: 00:02:05

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Renovabio and the Contextual Illusion

“Illusion is only necessary to disguise the emptiness inside.”

Arthur Erickson


The British series The Capture is an excellent example of the contextual illusion behavioral pattern. In it, one of the numerous covert government agencies manipulates live TV broadcasts. As we are very close to this stage –if we have not already reached it– we plainly stop trusting what we see, and the post-truth era definitely sets in.

That is what happens with the Brazilian governmental program RENOVABIO and its fake CBIO carbon credits.

Although the technical aspects are overwhelming, proving that RENOVABIO is a crime of ideological falsehoodembezzlementmarket reserve and generates false carbon credits, due to the complexity of the process, demands a lot from those who are not of the area and seek to understand it.

It is precisely there, in the lack of knowledge, that pressure is exerted from the Brazilian sugar and alcohol sector, using the crooked class of the national press, the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), the Ministry of Mines and Energy(MME), and whoever else is needed, such as –for example– the creation and sponsorship of a mega-event, with the heavyweights of the industry, financial market, and government. That is how the Brazilian Global Carbon Market was born and has already died.

Everything is valid in creating an aura of political correctness around the criminal RENOVABIO program, putting fuel distributors in an absurdly awkward situation.

If they somehow raise their voice against the illegality or simply the injustice of a program that applies solely, exclusively, and compulsorily to them, there is the colossal risk of being marginalized.

Let’s go –once again– to the facts:

  • It is a fact that the Brazilian sugar and alcohol sector expects to generate –from nothing- US$300 BILLION, by 2032, with false carbon credits CBIO;
  • It is a fact that the banks Bradesco and Santander give credibility to crimes by securitizing false CBIO credits;
  • It is a fact that the largest stock exchange in Latin America, B3 lists –without any problem or ethics– the false carbon credits on its business platform;
  • It is a fact that certifiers SGS and BV embrace the cause, even though they know perfectly well that the program generates false carbon credits;
  • Next to the above are FGVUNICAMP, and EMBRAPA.

All the evidence has been made available in the inquiries presented to the CVM, the Federal Public Ministry, the Federal Police, the ANP, and the MME.

To be clear: the technical-scientific-educational quintet SGS-BV--FGV-UNICAMP-EMBRAPA know perfectly well that RENOVABIO is a crime, and they validate, substantiate, and reinforce it.

If you want to know more about the crooked mechanism and involved institutions; know exactly how a carbon credit is generated, what greenwashing and additionality are; if you want to know which politicians were sponsored by the sugar and alcohol sector and understand the criminal nature of the RENOVABIO program, read my book Risk Management in the Green Market.

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