Planck E PressCenter Articles

Beyond the Speed of Light

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-03-08
Date modified: 2023-03-08
Reading time: 00:01:02

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Beyond the Speed of Light

"Today, we commit to this next great leap into

the cosmos because we're human, and our nature is to fly.”

Stephen Hawking


Contrary to what most people think, the General Theory of Relativity-GTR does not prevent anything from exceeding the speed of light.

On the contrary.  It even predicts the possibility of particles or events occurring at higher speeds.  What it absolutely determines, against its own nature, is the impossibility of these particles or events crossing the barrier of almost 300,000 km/s.

Let's say that an object or a bit (in its original definition, a piece of information) crossed the wall, Einstein himself came to the conclusion that this would imply a change in the arrow of time, and even though he had long and difficult conversations with Göedel, a diehard fan of this possibility, he could not accept this idea.

Yes. The idea of such an object or bit traveling through time.

The whole point of GTR is the invariability of the speed of light.  It does not accelerate to 300,000 km/s and does not decelerate.  This is its eternal and constant speed.

The possibility of particles traveling faster than the speed of light exists in the concept of tachyons (fast, in Greek), predicted by GTR. These particles, which have not yet been observed, would cause an unprecedented revolution in physics.

It is in the multiverse theory that tachyons gain the possibility of being, and nothing can be more fantastic than our ability to imagine.

Exactly what the incomparable Stephen Hawking said in the first sentence of this article.

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