Planck E PressCenter Articles

Bill Murray and the Omphalos

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-03-06
Date modified: 2023-03-06
Reading time: 00:01:15

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Bill Murray and the Omphalos

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

Abraham Lincoln


After a life dedicated to the study of time, I arrived at Omphalos.

From the moment Petey Australopithecus lifts his head and sees that immense sky dotted with lights, a key in his soul changes his relationship with existence.

From then on, everything fascinates us.  Why are we here, where did we come from, where are we going, is death the end of everything?

From then on, we are desperate to know the future.

We start with animal entrails, sacrifices of all kinds and horrors to appease the gods.  We move on to tea leaves, coffee grounds, palm reading, we arrive at the tarot.  Oracles, pythonesses, soothsayers.

Soothsayers, because when we try to know the future simply with past and present information, we guess.  And we do it in the Arrow of Time, with bad results.

The Orientals broadened the event horizon.

Instead of the syllogistic thinking we inherited from Aristotle, the Orientals developed a synchronistic thinking based on the contextualization of events.  Synchronicity, which finds its maximum expression in the I Ching, evolves from the line to the plane, even from the line of time.

But life is three-dimensional.

At Omphalos, we contextualize events by considering their amplitude, totality, and scenarios (potential, possible, and probable) within the Frequency of Time.  In this way we try to bring entropy to zero.

Just like in the movie Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray steps in the puddle until he knows the puddle.  And he avoids it.

The repetition of the same day causes the entropy -or the ignorance of the character- to decrease and greatly reduces the zone where the probability of occurrence decreases.  In quantum mechanics, we say that the wave function is quantum and its decay (or occurrence) crosses the barrier of classical physics and becomes reality.  Collapse.  Yes, it collapses because we don't understand how this change takes place.

Humbly, the Omphalos could turn the collapse into a bridge.

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