Planck E PressCenter Articles

What Happened to Quantum Mechanics?

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-02-15
Date modified: 2023-02-15
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

What Happened to Quantum Mechanics?

“The present is the only thing that has no end.”

Erwin Schrödinger


Today, quantum mechanics is nothing more than an extremely powerful tool that allows us to build lasers, transistors, very powerful medical devices, and computers. It even allows us to build quantum computers.

Pause for consideration.

The wisdom that ends the I Ching clearly shows us that life occurs in cycles. Moments of brilliance alternate with those of obscurantism.

The phase that encompasses the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, in terms of physics, was not only fascinating: it was a singularity in which geniuses of the caliber of Planck, Heisenberg, Marie and Pierre Curie, de Broglie, Feynman, Schrödinger, Oppenheimer, to name only a few, put all their intellect at the service of science. What is surprisingly extremely rare is: genius egos need a constant massage.

In his book Physics & Beyond, Heisenberg presents us with a mixture of science and existential crisis that haunted/plagued these enfant-gatés: Quantum Mechanics.

Until the 1960s, there was a concern even greater than the usefulness of quantum mechanics, with its philosophical aspects.

Today, we can not find a better example than the Higgs boson to explain the mediocrity that suffocates this unusual, mysterious, and charming physics.

But since the book of mutations is the oldest ever written, with more than 3,000 years of existence, this phase will pass and quantum mechanics will be rediscovered in all its glorious inadequacy to Consensus.

With it, we will shine again.

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