Planck E PressCenter Articles

About Time and Space

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-10-11
Date modified: 2023-10-11
Reading time: 00:01:07

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

About Time and Space

“It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space and selves.”

T. S. Eliot


One of the rare constellations that allows a direct relationship with our logic is Orion.

There are two stars, Bellatrix and Betelgeuse, which form the shoulders.  Saiph and Rigel are the legs.  The stars that we Brazilians know as the Three Marias form the belt.

What we see is so natural to us that the distance between these stars and the Earth doesn't even occur to us.  Going further: we do not relate to the time of existence of each one of them.  When we look at Orion, Betelgeuse may be no longer there.

From what we understand as a whole, only the Three Marias are -more or less - at the same distance: 1500 light-years.

Bellatrix is close to us, only 350 light years away.  Betelgeuse is 70,000 light-years away.  The knee of Rigel is 1,000 light years away and Saiph is 2,000 light years away.

At Orion's feet, we find Canis Major, his faithful companion, whose main star -Siriu - is an insignificant 8.6 light-years away.

Talking about stars always elevates us, and the perspective here is not just distance, but the moment in which they appear or, like Betelgeuse, disappear.

If the certainty of the Earth's past comes to us from the depth with which we dig, the sky presents itself to us through the distance of our gaze.

The light that reaches us from Rigel was emitted a thousand years ago.  Yes. What we now observe as Rigel is what the Earth was like in the year 1,023.

70,000 years ago, we were 2,000 beings living in caves.

Betelgeuse? It may already be a supernova.

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