Planck E PressCenter Articles

Divination, Synchronicity, Omphalos

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-10-26
Date modified: 2022-10-26
Reading time: 00:01:33

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Divination, Synchronicity, Omphalos

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Peter Drucker

Before writing Being Data I was already playing with Laplace's demon. In the book, I present my ideas about entropic time, ordered islands, upper and lower limits of Chaos, and Complexity. One of the most heterodox points contemplates our apprehension of reality, which I call Consensus.

Being Data is, without a doubt, my favorite book. It was a self-challenge because I wanted to see if my ideas could form a congruent whole, and it was very difficult to write. Apparently, it is much more difficult to read.

One of the most compelling concepts that confront Cartesian logic is the challenge to the inexorability of the Arrow of Time, which I attempt through the proposal of Frequency of Time.

When we take three references, we form a context. What I did was to adopt a past-present-time/space frame of reference; another, past-future/time/space and a third: present-future-time/space. In each, I consider the instantaneous possibilities, probabilities, and occurrence, hence the Frequency of time. I superimpose the results and notice the densification areas, which allow me to visualize the probability/occurrence fluency. For this task, I used CONTEXT3D, with its 254 patterns which resulted in 383 thousand points.

And nobody understood it.

That's when I decided to write BEIGE, whose subtitle is Divination, Synchronicity, and Omphalos.

Divination is an effect of linear thinking and, therefore, one-dimensional.

Synchronicity is the result of thinking in wholes and, therefore, two-dimensional.

Omphalos is bread.

You are going to make a loaf for the first time. With extreme care, you place all the ingredients on the table, measure them carefully, mix, and follow the Cedric Grolet recipe to the hilt. Put that wonderful mixture in the oven and, in 35 minutes, the bread is there; big and beautiful.

Over time, you become a pro and start to improve the recipe: add nuts, one more egg, and mix buckwheat with flour. The bread just keeps getting better, and you can be sure that in 35 minutes it will be ready.

This is what I decided to call omphalos. The contextualization of the 254 scenarios allows us to determine –with exactitude- the moment when the anthropic productive cycle will occur in the precise way it was conceived.

Omphalos is three-dimensional. It is also the Being Data instruction manual.

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