Planck E PressCenter Articles

Henri Bergson's Time

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-10-16
Date modified: 2023-10-16
Reading time: 00:01:09

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Henri Bergson's Time

“Time is a storm in which we are all lost.”

William Carlos Williams


Einstein said that the association of time with irreversibility is an illusion.  Hawking introduced the notion of imaginary time, and Prigogine details his problem with accepting facts.  That's if we can treat as facts what definitely happens in a model of the Universe.

Before that, however, the Nobel Prize-winning philosopher Henri Bergson assumed that time is an invention or is absolutely nothing.

In his article The Possible and the Real, Bergson defines time as a burst of unpredictable novelty that is adapted, adapted, read, and inserted into a Consensus by our metabolism.

When we start at potentiality, and then possibility, and then probability, and arrive at the event, we do so because there is an Arrow of Time, and to deal with this much-desired narrowing, where we always try to unravel the conditions of the event, we create an approach to the universe that fits into our Consensus and allows us to understand what is possible.  Obviously, this possibility comes from potentiality and not from some random initial state.

This possibility has also been extensively studied by Whitehead, who understands possibility as the basis of Consensus, where the bifurcations of Nature -identified as possibilities in Poincaré's topology- vary between what they are and what we interpret them to be.

And therein lies the beauty of what Bergson and Whitehead have in common.  Instead of a scientific approach that has its origins in classicism and is beyond precise boundaries, in its segmentation, the starting point for knowing what surrounds us should be deeply grounded in the imagination.

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