“Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. Eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
From the Fountain of Youth -born on Mount Olympus- through Ponce de Leon, and acquiring all its poetry with Alobar, by Tom Robbins, homo seeks his eternity.
Obviously, with the progress of technology, the studies related to this eternity advance. After the failure with the length of the telomeres and the intriguing paper by James Stark, published in Nature, which deals with the prospects of human regeneration, we come to the disquieting proposal of the longevity bottleneck by João Pedro de Magalhães, professor of molecular biogerontology at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
For Magalhães, it all happened in the Mesozoic Era, which was dominated by dinosaurs and produced the first mammals as extremely fragile creatures, thanks to
Nature's pressure for rapid reproduction.
For about a hundred million years, mammals lived under such stress that the metabolic mechanisms that allowed them to live longer were -it remains to be seen whether- deactivated or destroyed.
If they were simply deactivated, Magalhães suggests that we look more closely at the possibility of a link between the senescence process of reptiles -which is practically imperceptible- and that of mammals, with a focus on humans.
The most interesting thing is that by focusing on the possibility of curing death, we postpone -until a rosy future- the total immersion in the so ephemeral process of life.
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