Planck E PressCenter Articles

Purpose and Complexity

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-12-14
Date modified: 2022-12-14
Reading time: 00:01:28

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Purpose and Complexity

“Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.” 

Alan Perlis


The photo that illustrates this article is of an Opabinia; a Sea creature from the Precambrian period with five eyes.

In the same way that we observe -and do not understand- the Cambrian Explosion or the five extinctions that occurred on the Planet (a big bravo for the cute tardigrades), I think it is worthwhile to delve into the questioning of that moment, which perhaps separated purpose and complexity, 500 million years ago.

Until then, we had organisms that had absolutely nothing to do with those of today. The Opabinia had five eyes, and the Wiwaxia was a slug with absolutely nothing in common with the present-day slug. The number of species, from the moment when life appeared on Earth until the Cambrian period, was infinitely smaller than observed after 540 million years. There is not a single and not even a definitive explanation for the Cambrian Explosion, but it is a fact that flora, and fauna as we understand them today, appear at that time.

The Cambrian period defined the moment when purpose (the existence of life) became replaced by complexity (the essence of life) which, in turn, created the web, the warp, and the weft of the Consensus.

During the late 1600s and early 1700s, Newton unified Heaven and Earth; in the 19th century, Maxwell demonstrated that electricity and magnetism are two aspects of the same phenomenon, and at the beginning of the last century, Einstein did likwise, with time and space.

Ever adopting the path of quantum mechanics, let us go beyond the dichtomy of purpose x complexity to embrace the harmony of the Universe, despite the absence of the purpose of being.

For Max Planckhomo comes from consciousness. It is the expansion of this awareness that allows the advance in the understanding of complexity.

The human being is quite obvioulsy not the Universe's purpose, and life certainly does not find the apex of complexity in homo.

The sentience of life. The homo consciousness. The episcience of the Universe.

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