“There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe there are two
kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.”
Tom Robbins
Since we cannot explain how the Universe is born, we postulate -not without a good logical basis- that it arises from a singularity. However, about fifty years ago, this very comfortable zone fell apart when the phase transitions of Chaos Theory, bifurcations, and the quantum vacuum took us from singularity to instability.
However, schizophrenia continues, in approaches.
For example, we can say that the massive field is quantized, but the conformal field (gravitation) is still treated within the parameters of classical physics. The restricted approach to quantum mechanics, which was pursued by Planck, Heisenberg, and Bohr with zero tolerance for deviations, is absolutely violated by this -let's say– twist.
And then, of course, the elephant in the room: if the quantum vacuum associated with a flat geometric spacetime is unstable concerning gravitational interactions, does the process of simultaneous creation of curvature and matter not occur stably and permanently?
Let's get straight to the point: in a… say... semi-classical approach, only an initial fluctuation could catalyze the process. Then we return to the purity of quantum mechanics, where this initial instability creates an atmosphere of heavy particles; something like 50 Planck masses (remember that the Planck mass is about 50.10^-5g).
That is, the Universe becomes an open thermodynamic system; matter/energy is created from gravitational energy, and we have to give Einstein's cosmological equation another twist.
Other than that, the science remains sound.
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