“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
Barack Obama
In 2001, Caspar Bensik had the idea to put the internet in indigenous villages. A great idea, since communication is one of the most difficult things in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. That's when the moroncracy started. We needed the authorization to enter the indigenous land, and the NGOs that operated in the area did not approve, for reasons beyond excuses. Since we do not give up easily, Caspar discovered the name of a man of integrity and ethics committed to the ancestral peoples who worked at FUNAI and could possibly clear the path to our project. In the face of all the warnings about the person's ogre temperament, Caspar asked me to call him. It was March 23, 2001.
After almost three hours of talking, the ogre says: -How much do you weigh? To which I answer, without blinking: -Do you also want to know my age?
Laughter on both sides, Sydney invited me to participate in the Ajuricaba Expedition, which would depart from Tabatinga on March 28th. Years later, I learned that artists and personalities from all over the world begged to participate in one of his expeditions. Possuelo's answer would always be a solid "no."
Lucky for me I didn't blink: -I'm going.
I told the story of the Ajuricaba Expedition in my book Shobo Kimô. In it, I talk about the Matis people, the relationships between everybody participating in the expedition, and I tell another story, too...
And everything happens in Cabeça do Cachorro, in Vale do Javari; where Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira were sadly murdered this year; in the same cruel Amazon that killed our dear Rieli Franciscato, arrowed in the heart by a frightened native Brazilian.
In Shobo Kimô, I tell of how Sydney Possuelo opened the door to another reality for me. A reality where my 187 IQ, all my degrees, and arrogance mean absolutely nothing.
A reality where someone with eyes reflecting infinity -who believes that Curupira took his grandson- saved my life.
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