“The better we understand how identities and power work together from one context to another, the less likely our movements for change are to fracture.”
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
When I first heard the expression Big Data –and it's been almost ten years- the Neandertal Petey who inhabits me was ecstatic. "Now, it is certain that we are going to predict the future!"
My rational side, which leans far more towards Kierkegaard than Pollyanna, pricked up its ears.
In 2015, IBM calculated that the internet was supplied daily with 2.5 exabytes (2,500,000,000,000,000,000) of new data; in 2022, the calculation dropped to 1,024 exabytes. IBM's logical and fundamental assessment may have been biased as follows: the calculation memory was wrong in 2015, or it may be wrong now; there has been a dramatic drop in internet power; Big Data evolved alone, and data are quantified now in information mode. Here we have the first clue of the Normal Accidents behavioral pattern, which evaluates the many small mistakes that can lead to a catastrophe. We'll return to the topic further on.
Whatever the situation, Aristotle taught us to think straight and life is three-dimensional. This indication was my first lead for BeInG Data.
First of all, we are data. Like the word tomato is data; like the expression tomato-fruit is information; like tomato-fruit-salad is knowledge, and finally, don't-make-a-sweet-with-tomato is wisdom. That is, Big Data plays with data in the way that, in quantum mechanics, is treated as coarse-grained. On the other hand, BeInG Data proposes the contextualization of data in a set environment before diving into the Internet: Prodata.
Concering the previously touched subject, there is a pattern that encompasses the majority of humanity, the Grouping Illusion, that makes us look for patterns, trends, and themes, decreasing the power of chance in our realities.
Perhaps you may already see the outline of the path I propose. The prodata, a specific media environment, the media environment, and the media. Data, added data, structural added data, transcriptional regulation of data, structural data-data system regulatory components, structural data-data system induction, dual control, positive and negative of the operon, operon scattering, and CIS action. This first step in data processing is what quantum mechanics understands as fine grain.
In a nutshell, in BeInG Data, the Aristotelian lines are contextualized; in the same way that we at Planck E have contextualized 108 behavioral patterns.
Transforming information into knowledge: if Cambridge Analytica has worked with 5 thousand linear points, BeInG Data works with 163 thousand; three-dimensionally. Ah, very important: unlike the people at Cambridge Analytica -who, by the way, had nothing to do with the University- the foundation of BeInG Data is ethics.
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