Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Numbers Community

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-12-16
Date modified: 2022-12-16
Reading time: 00:01:31

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Numbers Community

“Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.” 

René Descartes


Halfway between the ego and the cosmic principle, we have the Zeitgeist, a German word whose literal translation is "spirit of the age" and refers to Jung's Collective Unconscious; the way in which we collectively reflect the set of what we momentarily experience as reality.

In primitive societies, one counts to two or three, at most four. From there on forward, everything is much, and much is God.

Thus, when homo begins to count, he steals a little piece of God's territory. When he reaches four or five or googol, he is certainly advancing in the realm of the divine, but the moment of "too much" always arrives.

Mathematics is so profoundly complex that it serves both to count the sheep in the herd and to create an intelligible path to the cosmic principle of the first paragraph. So hermetic that we don't know –until today- if we discovered it or invented it.

What we do know is that our relationship with mathematics has only evolved from that monkey bone in the Lebombo Mountains.

And the more complex we become, the more we need the sophistication of numbers, which today reaches googolplex.

The all-time greatest number is that of Graham, the mathematician who conceived it, which is the upper bound for a possible problem solution. To imagine its size, legend has it that if everything existant in the universe were turned into ink, it wouldn't be enough to write it down.

Our numerical community begins with natural numbers, which attract negatives and form a small family of integers. Testing limits, extending to fractions between two integers; going ahead, arriving at irrational fractions. And behold, the expression of absence is necessary. Mythical, mystical, zero is secret.

We have the π, the e, and the i. We have the prime numbers, the twin primes, the perfect numbers, and the friendly ones. We have polygonal, triangular, and square numbers. We even have square triangles and magic squares, which lead us to the number of the beast.

We have the unpronounceable numbers and the dangerous digits.

If you're in China, don't go anywhere near 8964.

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