Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Transcircadian Rhythm

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-12-07
Date modified: 2022-12-07
Reading time: 00:01:18

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Transcircadian 

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit.” B.K.S. Iyengar


In other articles, I have written about CONTEXT3D, one of the tools we are most proud of at Planck E.

Like all our products, CONTEXT3D is based on biomimicry, an ingenious idea by Janine Benyus, where we are inspired by Nature to seek more efficient, eco-sustainable, and harmonious technological paths.

Having practiced ballet for 17 years and being completely Italian, I spent a good part of my existence on a diet. Of the Moon, of the Sun, Dr. Atkins, Pineapple, Milk... And, as the wise comedian said, in two weeks, I lost 14 days.

Until the inspiration came to write a book about dieting, and, for that, a lot of research was necessary.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that the human body works exactly like CONTEXT3D! Or will it be the other way around?

And so, each organism has its rhythm, preferences, and rejections. In pursuit of my circadian rhythm, I found the way to the Transcircadian Diet (the book is under review and almost ready for a re-release).

In broad terms –because Nature only specifies in the last instance- our organism has seven major cycles that are interconnected and containing other smaller cycles. They are the fatty acids, purine, heme, and pyrimidine synthesis; the citric acid cycle, ketone bodies and glyco-gala metabolisms.

Interestingly, the duration and frequency of such cycles vary slightly from person to person.

So we created a diet that is like that credit card: personal and non-transferable. Does it work?

Yup. It did. I have been at my ideal weight for two years now, with all health indicators absolutely satisfactory.

The most important? It has been two years since I have only thought about food during mealtimes.

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