Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Wormhole

Location: SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-12-09
Date modified: 2022-12-09
Reading time: 00:01:07

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Wormhole

"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect." Oscar Wilde


A few days back, it came out in the media that scientists had created a wormhole in the laboratory. Evidently not.

But, what is –in quantum mechanics- a wormhole, and why the name?

By stating that God did not play dice and being completely defeated by the brilliant argument of Niels Bohr, at the Solvay Conference in 1929Albert Einstein severed relations with quantum mechanics. But, as he loved a stage and the last one had taken place in 1915, in 1935 he joined the mathematician Nathan Rosen and proposed the use of the General Theory of Relativity to explain the existence of bridges in the space-time dimension.

However, the original idea was by the Austrian physicist Ludwig Flamm who, in 1916, conceptualized the white hole as a theoretical time reversal of a black hole, creating a connection between both.

That is, the wormhole is a space-time passage that would allow shortening trips through outer space.

Baptized with the pompous "Einstein-Rosen Bridges," the wormhole is much more the face of the irreverence of quantum mechanics, and the catch is the existence of two mouths!

To be recognized, a theory needs to be validated mathematically and physically, and so far, the possibility of a wormhole only exists in mathematics.

Even if science fiction series use and abuse time travel through wormholes -and even if their existence were to be proven- this would never be possible, as they only exist at a microscopic level, something like 10-33cm.

As science and imagination necessarily go hand in hand, there is, however, the possibility of resizing it following the expansion of the universe.

Isn't that absolutely fantastic?

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