Planck E PressCenter Articles

About Contexts: ESG+

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-09-30
Date modified: 2022-09-30
Reading time: 00:01:37

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

About Contexts: ESG+

“Del senno di poi n'è ripien le fosse.”

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) originates at the heart of the concept of civilization but, of course, varies by Zeitgeist.

Today, when all of us feel the effects of climate change, the SRIs are gaining depth with the adoption of new and profound criteria of an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) nature.

If SRI basically refers to the financial market and is based on the investment that excludes certain types of industries from their portfolios based on moral or ethical aspects, ESG extends this range to all productive segments on the Planet; including the company's relationship with the environment.

Today, the financial market perceives companies with strong applications in the environmental, social, and governance areas as better managed and, consequently, safer, long-term investments. 

We are living in the age of political correctness, and until the time comes when the emphasis is simply on what is correct, there is a huge and widespread sensitivity to environmental, social, and governance responsibility.

It is important to highlight the discomfort that the term "politically correct" contains, as there is often a great deal of hypocritical tyranny related to the expression, with the potential for risks that are difficult to manage. Thus, the idea is to bring the abstraction of political correctness to data that can be scientifically transformed into information and knowledge; with –for example- the application ofBeing Data

The name of a company is its most precious asset and, in the age of social media, the protection of this patrimony passes -necessarily- through a strong process of clarification with its employees, suppliers, and even the most distant of relationships but one of great importance, customers.

This process must be technical-scientific and should have a solid base and concrete actions, reducing – as much as possible – any personal or subjective interpretation.

Clear and objective actions; definitive methods guiding the actions to achieve those objectives and, mainly, focus and discernment, as close as possible to the totality regarding the right-wrong dichotomy.

The Brazilian government program RENOVABIO, for example. It's not just wrong: it's a crime. In the same book that we expose details of this crime, with names, evidence, and context, we present what is right: ESG+, where actions are measurable through objective evidence. If you want to know more about this Planck E product, read:

Risk Management in the Green Market

A Case Study About Greenwashing: The Brazilian Governmental Program RENOVABIO


  • greenwashing
  • ethics
  • SRI
  • ESG
  • zeitgeist

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