Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Singular Explosion

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2024-01-19
Date modified: 2024-01-19
Reading time: 00:01:06

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Singular Explosion

“Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope,

tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss.”

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


Let's go back ten to twenty billion years ago.

When something explodes, our conscience -without exception- is frightened at first to understand that something has expanded, starting from a container.

But what was the Big Bang like?  Seriously.  Let's try to understand what happens in the moment when something the size of a marble gives birth to the universe.

Let's go back to our explosion.  Let's go back to where it happened.  We were able to determine the radius of action, the type of explosive, the time it took to cause the damage, and finally the extent of that damage.  The time-space reached.

A first obstacle to our imagination is the lack of time.  Or space, 20 billion years ago.  In other words, if the International System is the vade mecum of science, it is really bad, because there are no seconds, minutes, hours; there is no meter, there is no decameter.

For the convenience of his minions, the Big Bang creates not only time, space and the universe, but also matter and energy.  Complete package, all in.

Now let's get to the fascinating part.  If we think of light as something that doesn't exceed anything in speed, let's take an observer who detects a star 15 billion light years to the south.  Then he points all his measuring equipment to the north and chooses another star, also 15 billion light-years away.

The distance between the north and south stars would be 30 billion light-years, or twice the age of the Big Bang universe.

As for matter, we explain it solely through mathematics, using symmetries that do not exist in Nature.

Comfortably numb.

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