Planck E PressCenter

ECO/Carbon Market Report #87/2024

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of June 11 to 17, 2024. Reading time: 00:01:13
Report published Mon, 06-17-2024

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ECO/Carbon Market Report #46/2023 Report published Tue, 08-15-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of August 08 to 14, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

Scientists and Scientists Article published Mon, 08-14-2023

Where is the breaking point in the Consensus, where an imaginary theory passes for universal truth? 00:01:04 Reading time

Welwitschia and Retrocausality Article published Fri, 08-11-2023

If we cure death and unlock the future, what will become of our civilization? 00:01:04 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #44/2023 Report published Thu, 08-10-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of August 02 to August 08, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Making the Carbon Credit Happen Article published Wed, 08-09-2023

If you could be absolutely sure that the carbon credits that were being offered to you would result in the removal of greenhouse gases, would you buy them? 00:01:46 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #45/2023 Report published Tue, 08-08-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of August 01 to 07, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

Sentience and Episcience Article published Mon, 08-07-2023

When we reach a level of consciousness where we can truly experience each other's emotions, will that be the end of violence? 00:01:04 Reading time

Superconduction at Room Temperature Article published Fri, 08-04-2023

There are two holy grails in the history of science that seem close: nuclear fusion and room-temperature superconduction. Both depend heavily on the second of the four forces that form and sustain our Consensus, electromagnetism. 00:01:45 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #43/2023 Report published Thu, 08-03-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of July 26 to August 01, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Carbon Credit Authenticity Checker Article published Wed, 08-02-2023

The Brazilian program Renovabio is a milestone in the green market: the moment when greenwashing becomes a crime: market reserve, ideological falsehood, and embezzlement. 00:01:04 Reading time

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