Planck E PressCenter

ECO/Carbon Market Report #103/2024

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 01 to 07, 2024. Reading time: 00:01:13
Report published Tue, 10-08-2024

Carbon Credits

Superficial knowledge about carbon credits is no longer an excuse.

Learn more

Energy Week in Review #22/2023 Report published Thu, 03-02-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of February 22 to March 27, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Sky Colors? Sun Party... Article published Wed, 03-01-2023

As in João Bosco's song, the colors of the sky are the result of the sun's party. But how does the celebration take place? Here is the explanation. 00:01:04 Reading time

Omphalos, A Bridge Between Chaos and Complexity Article published Mon, 02-27-2023

Thirty years ago, the Academy was surprised by the promises related to Chaos and Complexity Theories. Thirty years ago, we sought a bridge between the two. Every day -each one in its way-we wake up, have breakfast, shower, and go do what we have to do. When I wake up, I know I'm going to brush my teeth. I know I'm going to a future I have no doubts 00:10:45 Reading time

The Elegance in Science Article published Fri, 02-24-2023

In Physics, the chances of its proof are directly related to its simplicity. Elegance. 00:01:06 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #20/2023 Report published Thu, 02-23-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of February 14 to February 21, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #19/2023 Report published Thu, 02-16-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of February 08 to February 13, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

What Happened to Quantum Mechanics? Article published Wed, 02-15-2023

Physics is effective in describing an empirical reality, but it is quantum mechanics that would allow us to explore a totally independent reality that simply does not fit the definition of force of space-time. 00:01:04 Reading time

Relating Angles to Hours Article published Mon, 02-13-2023

I believe that Petey Neadertal discovered his soul when he first looked at the sky. Even though we have mapped every bit of the nearby universe, the emotion that Pedrinho experienced overwhelms us with the same magnitude every time we raise our eyes. 00:01:03 Reading time

The Relationship Between M-Theory and Mercator Article published Fri, 02-10-2023

Quantum mechanics, it's the Mount Everest of chocolate, the flying pig, a starry sky magnificently captured by Van Gogh's sensibility. Above all, it is a bright signal that should linger in the mind of every scientist: I know I know nothing. 00:01:06 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #18/2023 Report published Thu, 02-09-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of February 01 to February 07, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

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