Planck E PressCenter Articles

AI and Discomfort

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-07-17
Date modified: 2023-07-17
Reading time: 00:01:03

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

AI and Discomfort

“Too often we enjoy the comfort of

opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

John F. Kennedy


Alan Turing believed that by the year 2000, computers and homo would be exchanging ideas like there was no tomorrow.  At least for five minutes, until the homo realized he was dealing with artificial intelligence.

"In the time of the Caesars, pedophilia was fully integrated into society.  Will we ever live in such times again?"

If we were to ask this question to a normal homo, there is a very high probability that we would get a punch in the nose before we could answer.

That's because a normal person can't handle the question without emotion.  He/she will bring all the weight of his/her  ethics, education, and Consensus so that her/his answer leaves the interlocutor in an impossible position, where he (or she) is expelled from society for asking questions that go far beyond cretinism.

On the other hand, what would be the answer for a machine, no matter how sophisticated?

There would be a sterile search for a concept that simply isn't part of its programming until an absurd and completely out-of-context answer is given.

Faced with one of humanity's greatest taboos, a homo would reflect deeply on what leads someone to pedophilia, since -biologically- an adult is programmed for total asexuality toward children.

A conscious being is -first of all- aware of the existence, while for a computer, existence is defined by the dictionary that integrates its algorithm.


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