Planck E PressCenter Articles

AI and the Triune Brain

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-14
Date modified: 2023-06-14
Reading time: 00:01:10

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

AI and the Triune Brain

“Before we work on artificial intelligence why

don't we do something about natural stupidity?”

Steve Polyak


Surfing the wave of recent advances in Artificial Intelligence, let's go back to that present and dominant current of simple-minded scientists who, when they don't find an answer they like, postulate it.

This current draws a parallel between how our brains work and how computers work.  From there, it's obvious that everything becomes highly predictable and deliciously comfortable.  Unfortunately, this does not correspond to reality.

The zeros and ones of a traditional computer, if anything, confirm the Consensus dichotomy; while qubits, qutrits, and whatever else comes along -adding dimensions to the evaluation of scenarios, in quantum computing- do not change the abyss that separates the data processing performed by our brains and artificial intelligence, even though the latter has a processing capacity infinitely superior to ours.

Going back to the "9 to 5" scientists, who treat consciousness as an emergent property of neuronal connections and therefore see the quantum computer as the path for the emergence of AI from the massive number of interconnections, we have -physically- three cerebral stages that developed at different times: the cerebral chassis, responsible for survival: shelter, food, reproduction; the limbic system, responsible for emotions; and the neocortex, which allows us to reason.

It is the complex interrelationship of what our senses pick up through these three different parts of our brain that builds up to our sense of self.

Consciousness - as a higher level of this complexity - allows, according to Gödel's Principle of Incompleteness, the evaluation of the functioning of the brain, but never of itself.

No doubt extremely uncomfortable.

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