Planck E PressCenter Articles

A Short Fairy Tale

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-09-29
Date modified: 2023-09-29
Reading time: 00:01:05

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

A Short Fairy Tale

“The Big Bang theory says nothing about what

exploded, why it exploded, or what happened before it exploded.”

Alan Guth


In the age of the fifth force, let's try to understand the original four.

The Standard Model went so far that the correspondence between this fermion and that boson manifested in gluons, muons, neutrinos, and quarks, extended to non-particles, entities called sparticles or squarks, selectrons, photinos, gravitinos, and even -amaze-higgsinos.

Everything became so absolutely complicated, disjointed, and meaningless that experimental physicists were forced to find a refuge, which manifested itself in the myth of creation.

No, not Adam and Eve.  Another myth.

Once upon a time, there was an explosion so violent that it created such high temperatures that all forces, all matter, were nothing but one thing.

Then the explosion cooled down, in the form of the Universe.

The thing we insisted on treating as symmetry broke.  The super-force became four.  The primeval gas made up of electrons, neutrinos, quarks, and photons gave rise to matter.

The combined quarks give rise to protons and neutrons, which are now found in atomic nuclei; while electrons orbit these nuclei, giving rise to primordial hydrogen and helium, which combine to form stars, which, as they increase in complexity, form the heaviest metals.  And more atoms, molecules, organisms, life, sentience, consciousness, episcience.

And the only thing that the combined action of our brain and metabolism allows us to achieve is an eternal search for symmetry.

A fairy tale.

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