Planck E PressCenter Articles

About Memory and Smell

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-09-02
Date modified: 2022-09-02
Reading time: 00:01:27

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

About Memory and Smell

“Nothing revives the past as completely as a scent that was once associated with it.”

Vladimir Nabokov


Did you know that the most primitive of our memories is the olfactory one?

The quality of the bond between mother and child connects to the olfactory memory since the mother's breast fluids have such unique characteristics that they allow the baby to recognize its mother by smell.

Studies show that patients with Alzheimer's and other cognitive-degenerative diseases do not have a keen sense of smell, worsening as the disease progresses.

In the cinema, we hear – most of the time too loudly – the whole development of a story while watching and eating popcorn. The senses lack touch and smell. If we exchange the cinema for a HIVE experience, an acronym for High Immersion Virtual Experience, we solve the issue of palpability with haptic suits. As for the sense of smell, there are already movie theaters with sprinklers connected to computers, which try to simulate the olfactory experience; but the result is a sentimental mixture of odors, which hits our neuromodulators like a punch in the stomach

And that's where the NEZ comes in. Not so much because of the direct reference to the nose in French and more because of the connection with the perfumers honored by the fashion industry; people with such olfactory acuity who are known as Monsieur or Madame Nez.

Imagine watching a video on your smartphone or a movie on TV. The scene shows someone drinking coffee. And you smell the coffee. In the following sequence, a stunning woman runs barefoot in the rain. And you smell the rain. After a hot shower, where she uses a Chanel soap number 5 -which you recognize by the smell- she gets all dressed up and into her brand new car. And you smell the new car.

Planck E developed the NEZ for the fashion industry. In the process, we realized the incredible potential related to the pharmaceutical industry: The sophistication of our olfactory system is such that we can treat everything from depression to schizophrenia, to eating disorders, just by evoking adequate olfactory memory.

Isn't that ingenious?

Planck E, ingenious solutions.


  • petrichor
  • smell
  • olfactory
  • HIVE
  • virtual experience
  • memory trigger
  • scent

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