Planck E PressCenter Articles

After All, What Are Elementary Particles?

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-02-06
Date modified: 2023-02-06
Reading time: 00:01:07

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

After All, What Are Elementary Particles?

"A truly stable system expects the unexpected,

is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed."

Tom Robbins



Everyone has heard of quarks, leptons, muons, and neutrinos. Bosons. The Higgs one. However, there is a universe that separates consensus from quantum mechanics, and therefore from particles.

To begin with, there is no matter at the quantum level; there are singularities, potentialities, possibilities, and occurrences. Thus, a particle is not a tiny piece of something, but a possibility.

One particle can manifest itself in the past; while two can occupy the same place in space.

What we don't have (and never have had) is a framework that allows for the coexistence of an Aristotelian logical or even an Oriental synchronistic understanding of reality and the quantum world.

An electron is a lepton, and so is a neutrino. But nothing could be more different than the existence of each of them.

Quarks can be strange or charming, while neutrinos can be either muons or taus.

A quark and an antiquark form a meson, which is a hadron, which is nothing more than a bound state of quarks.

Smaller particles can decay into larger ones, and the pion is a light and highly unstable meson (composed of a quark and an antiquark) that decays after 26 nanoseconds of existence. If it is charged, it produces a muon or neutrino, and if it is neutral, it decays into gamma rays.

The pion is the glue manifestation of the strong interaction that holds protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus.

As for flavors, leptons, and quarks come in six flavors. And no, this isn't about taste. The flavor here is the symmetric dynamics of a quantum system.

Bohr was right. If you are not amazed by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it.

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