Planck E PressCenter Articles

And the Day of Prey Always Comes

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-10-02
Date modified: 2023-10-02
Reading time: 00:01:14

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

And the Day of Prey Always Comes

“Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.”

Lord Byron


Mandelbrot used to say that a turtle is not a hemisphere, that a pine tree is not a cone; and that his cloud mathematics necessarily deals with contexts, and these arise from dimensions.

It is obvious why he never won a well-deserved (and desired) Nobel Prize.

The truth is that science is dictated by homo, and homo abhors discomfort.

We are very fragile creatures who, when we walk upright, expose our sexes and our hearts.  And we continued to walk upright.

Isaac Newton's physics is still physics because it creates an immense and very pleasant comfort zone.  It doesn't matter that it's unreal.

Natural crystals are never absolutely symmetrical, nor are pearls, and although they are much more valuable, they are not the most desirable.

The proton and the neutron have similar but not identical masses; the particles that mediate electromagnetism and the strong interaction have zero mass and zero charge, while those that mediate the weak interaction have masses other than zero, and two of them have electric charges.

Why do we have -so far- three families of particles and four (or five... argh) types of forces?  Is the Standard Model the only explanation, or are there others, crystal clear?

Why are there particles that do not consist of quarks?

Maybe because we work with different units, like, volume and weight.

It is not possible to make Nature fit the Standard Model, and we lack the humility to learn from it.

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