Planck E PressCenter Articles

Carbon Credit Authenticity Checker

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-08-02
Date modified: 2023-08-02
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Carbon Credit Authenticity Checker

“The cosmos is within us.  We are made of star-stuff.

We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

Carl Sagan


One of the most difficult issues we face in the green market is the quality of carbon credits.

Standards such as the VCS, which has adopted the VERRA nom de guerre to distance itself from the recent scandal in which 90% of its carbon credits were found to be fake, and the Brazilian government's Renovabio programme, which generates fake carbon credits, are very good examples.

The complexity of projects that generate carbon credits poses two difficulties: first, the fear of concepts such as payment for the removal of something intangible and additionality create barriers that go far beyond common learning.  The second is the psychopathic opportunists who don't see the slightest problem in destroying one of the most beautiful human constructions just to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the majority.

When we introduce a reward for removing something, we are reversing one of the most ingrained concepts of work, which is the notion of a reward for adding something.  And that has been one of the pillars of our economy for 700 years.

The concept of additionality is not much simpler, because the breaking down of economic, technological, or social barriers seems to give rise to a lot of speculation, when in fact it is an extremely technical parameter.

Thus, we are living in a moment in which the green market really wants to advance, in which we need to reduce negative anthropic emissions, but in which disqualified opportunists find valuable ground for their blows and the lack of general knowledge on the subject immobilizes the market.

Aware of this fact, since the publication of the book The Science Behind Carbon Credits and their Calculation, we have been thinking about a simple way for people to have confidence when buying carbon credits.

Almost three years later, we have come up with the Carbon Credits Authenticity Checker, or simply CCAC.

With this cycle of closed questions, you will know exactly what kind of carbon credit you are being offered.

This is our contribution to the long-awaited blossoming of the green market.

In the first question, the Brazilian program Renovabio proves that its CBIO carbon credits are fake.

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