Planck E PressCenter Articles

Così È (Se Vi Pare)

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2024-01-22
Date modified: 2024-01-22
Reading time: 00:01:12

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Così È (Se Vi Pare)

“Life is full of strange absurdities, which, strangely enough,

do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true.”

Luigi Pirandello


In an artistic Universe that encompasses Dante, Michelangelo, and eight million and two hundred thousand other artists who made Italy, Luigi Pirandello stands out for his sharp mind, his quick and light humor, his characters, always looking for authors.

In Right You Are (if you think so), Pirandello tells the story of Frola, an eccentric old woman, who is reported to be crazy by her daughter-in-law, after the supposed death of her daughter.  Throughout the book, it is Ponza, Frola's son-in-law, who is described by Frola -in an absolutely sane way- as going crazy, believing that his wife (Frola's daughter) is dead.

And so on goes Luigi, driving us almost crazy with his intricate plot.

In physics, we base laws on the observation of natural phenomena.  But, if we give up the entire parametric apparatus, which begins with hypotheses and ends in theories that we end up taking for dogmas, we raise our heads to observe stationary stars and planets when, in fact, it is our tiny planet that moves.

What we see is a two-dimensional sky and, if we conjecture different longitudes, over those bright points that all seem to be at the same distance, we do so based on extrapolations of measurements taken from the bright points that are closest to us.

This is when we see an object moving quickly across the sky.  Meteor?  Satellite?  Plane?  Superman?

And then we conjecture.  Slow for a meteor, erratic for a satellite, constant light for an airplane, and today I took the medicine, for Superman.

Vagabond.  These stars, or rather luminous objects with erratic trajectories, were known in ancient Greece as vagabonds.  To this day, we don't know exactly what it is.

Either way, it is up to you to come up with a set of rules, establish parameters, and create a framework.  From then on, Right You Are (if you think so).

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