Planck E PressCenter Articles

Economy + Diseconomy = Epi... What?

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-09-07
Date modified: 2022-09-07
Reading time: 00:01:17

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Economy + Diseconomy = Epi... What?

If you're going through hell, keep going.”

Winston Churchill



In 2010, I received an invitation to become part of the UN team of experts who audit carbon credit certifying companies. More than honored, I accepted. The three flexibilization mechanisms of the Kyoto Treaty, Joint Implementation, Emissions Trading, and the Clean Development Mechanism are –in my view- living proof of human intelligence and ingenuity.

The first period of the TK ran from January 2008 to December 31, 2012, with its targets, countries, and an entire technical framework that aimed to lower -concerning 1990 greenhouse gas emissions- an average of 5.9% of world GHG emissions. As the human being is a beautiful project, but it, in my opinion, hasn't worked out, interests are always (or almost) placed above the right. The first-period target was unachieved, and the second period, planned from January 2013 to December 31, 2020, was only sketched. As a result, all that perfect edifice fell into a limbo from which it never reemerged. An Australian friend of mine, who is also part of the UN group, used to say that we were the orchestra of the Titanic.

In 2013, our team started working on the idea of using the group's knowledge to continue the process of guaranteeing the quality of the carbon credits generated in the voluntary market according to new standards. Since that time, it has been a matter of constant evolution arriving at the ZerO2Nature credits for life preservation (PREBIO), ore preservation (PREMIN), water preservation (PREHYDRO), hydrocarbon preservation (PRECARB), optimization of anthropic production cycles (PRONER), in addition to forest preservation (PREFOR )carbon credits.

To generate these credits, we needed to account for Diseconomies –a concept and reality proposed by Adam Smith in his book Wealth of Nations- to secure a common denominator that could guarantee their monetization.

And this we achieved.

In 2014, ZerO2Nature went live. Economy and Diseconomy united in a single and gigantic generator of wealth, the Epiconomy.


  • epiconomy
  • diseconomy
  • new economy
  • Adam Smith
  • GHG emissions
  • green economy
  • environmental risks

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