Planck E PressCenter Articles

Fruits of Chance

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-02
Date modified: 2023-06-02
Reading time: 00:01:06

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Fruits of Chance

The gods do not limit men. Men limit men.”

Tom Robbins


The Anglo-American physicist Freeman Dyson said that the Universe always knew that human beings would appear somewhere.

So are we just a coincidence, or was Dyson right?

According to quantum mechanics, the elements that make us up are reflected in the Universe, and if that doesn't give us a purpose, it at least gives us the relief of mutual compatibility.

When we assess the composition of the Universe, the first phrase that comes to mind is Carl Sagan's: We are made of stardust.  And we are.  At the microscopic level, we are carbon, iron, lithium, and so on.  At the quantum level, we are particles without identity and highly interchangeable.

Numerous experiments are being conducted in laboratories to model the Big Bang.  To do this, scientists rely on the initial conditions derived from Lemaître's model and the interrelationship of universal constants.  These are called universal constants because we observe their precise functioning even when we evaluate events in distant galaxies.

In quantum terms, there is no ego, and each of us is nothing more than stable interrelationships of patterns.  What happens between this world of high-energy particles and Consensus; is the moment when the sophistication of the arrangement of these patterns interrelates and stabilizes in a primordial organism.  This is the bridge that we are missing.

For Göedel and his Principle of Incompleteness, we cannot evaluate a situation from within.  For Heisenberg and his Uncertainty Principle, when we observe a situation, we influence its outcome.

The only explanation that satisfies my curiosity comes from Planck:

“I regard consciousness as fundamental.  I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.  We cannot get behind consciousness.  Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

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