Planck E PressCenter Articles

Fullerene and the Frontier

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-08-23
Date modified: 2023-08-23
Reading time: 00:01:07

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Fullerene and the Frontier

“Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers.”

Yevgeny Yevtushenko


Nowadays, in the academic world, there is a question that cannot be silenced: Where is the boundary between our reality and quantum mechanics?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that in the quantum world, anything can happen in a given period of time.  And it does happen.  However, it is much easier for one particle to decay into another than for me to find the book Ivanhoe in my garden.

Please note that it is not impossible, just very (very) unlikely.  That's because the probabilities associated with the occurrence of the infinitely small are enormous, while the stability of a zillion particles arranged in a particular book hanging there, in my garden is -by Consensus- ridiculous.

And then the fullerene.  The molecule, composed of 60 carbon atoms, is the heaviest and most complex object to exhibit wave behavior.  And it is precisely this dual behavior that guarantees the condition of the supposed boundary between the quantum and the macro world.

The quantum relationship with fullerenes begins with the high symmetry and pure isotopy, which apparently allow the macro to undergo interference (measured in the laboratory) by the quantum.  It is interesting to observe that the fullerene center of mass propagates integrally.  In other words, the fullerene is a particle!

It may be that the fullerene carries within itself the longed-for bridge between what we see and what we are; this boundary may not exist.  The fact is that uncertainty will never disappear.  Because the behavior of particles is always surprising, because the time of particles is different because the space of particles is unknown to us.

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