Planck E PressCenter Articles

Ignorance and Permission to Pollute

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-05-03
Date modified: 2023-05-03
Reading time: 00:01:01

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Ignorance and Permission to Pollute

“Time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies.

History has no place for them.”

Norodom Sihanouk


Ignorant people have long claimed that a carbon credit is a license to pollute. And when I point out ignorance, I do so not with any kind of aggressiveness, but simply as a statement of fact. However, I do not do so without criticism, because talking about something we ignore - depending on our role in the situation - can be extremely harmful.

The design of the carbon credit is based on two requirements: the removal of a quantity of greenhouse gases that would not occur without the proposed project activity, and that this activity is additional.

Focus on additionality, which is precisely what makes it impossible to classify a carbon credit as a permit to pollute. Let's see why.

When there is an evolution in a production cycle - for example, a technological advance - it usually implies a reduction in energy inputs and, consequently, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This hypothetical situation is what we know as business as usual and therefore does not generate carbon credits!

Makes sense, doesn't it? If you do something that is in your best interest, that saves you money, then of course that is the path you will take and you will not be doing anything for the environment.

To get carbon credits, you have to overcome economic, technological, or social barriers, in that order of difficulty. Let's say you propose a project activity that is not economically feasible, as proven by objective evidence, and that becomes viable with the carbon credits generated by the proposed project activity. This activity breaks economic barriers and therefore generates carbon credits. The reasoning is the same for the other circumstances.

I think this statement makes it clear how immoral the Brazilian Renovabio program is, which generates false carbon credits, the CBIO.

Renovabio is not just immoral. It is a crime of market reservation, ideological falsehood, and embezzlement.

And we are getting closer and closer to proving it.

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