Planck E PressCenter Articles

Is Green Hydrogen the Answer?

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2022-08-26
Date modified: 2022-08-26
Reading time: 00:01:42

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Is Green Hydrogen the Answer?

“Del senno di poi son piene le fosse.”

Alessandro Manzoni


Sometimes we are surprised to find that something taken for granted is the opposite of what we thought.

An excellent example is a relationship between hydrogen cells and anthropic global warming.

About 68% of anthropic global warming is caused by the burning of fuels in motor vehicles. At first glance, it seems quite obvious that replacing fossil inputs and even alternatives such as methanol, ethanol, and biodiesel in the world's automotive fleet for hydrogen cells would be an excellent alternative that –definitely- would contribute to global cooling. Would it though?

When we use gasoline, diesel, alcohol, or biodiesel in our vehicles, burning the fuel produces CO2, whose GWP (Global Warming Potential) is 1.

With hydrogen cells, all we have as exhaust gases are water vapor and hydrogen ions. It so happens that when we produce hydrogen ions, we are altering the balance of the atmosphere since its presence in natural dry air is 0.5 parts per million. These ions look for stability and their closest partners are oxygen (H2O) and carbon (CH4).

When bonding with carbon, the hydrogen ions will form methane, whose GWP is –currently-28. That is, methane contributes 28 times more than carbon dioxide to global warming!

It is evident that great care must be taken when evaluating situations related to Diseconomy. However, the possibilities that are contained in a new framework, a new perspective that concerns not only the use of our environmental liabilities, from the monetization of diseconomies but also restoring the health of the Earth, are absolutely exciting.

The human being is the only inhabitant of the planet to produce garbage. In Nature, everything that is waste for one organism is food for another. Thus, the Diseconomy allows human beings to complete their cycle in Nature through the neutralization of their production cycles.

Our notion of work has not changed in 700 years. Our logic has been the same since Aristotle. With the ecological credits - which began with those of NOx and SOx, in 1983, an absolutely fascinating fact emerged: instead of our traditional conception of work, where we add something of value, in order to receive compensation, we are paid to remove, to take something out that is not seen. And that is just the beginning.

Nothing related to the green economy is set in stone. We have a whole new paradigm to explore. However, this promising condition that emerges demands that we change; requires us to advance. With ethics, knowledge, and the seriousness necessary to allow the human being to evolve.


  • hydrogen cars
  • fuel cell
  • hydrogen fuel
  • netzero
  • hydrogen carbon
  • green hydrogen
  • greenwashing

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