Planck E PressCenter Articles

Matter Stability

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-05-17
Date modified: 2023-05-17
Reading time: 00:01:02

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Matter Stability

True stability results when presumed

order and presumed disorder are balanced.

Tom Robbins



In quantum mechanics, the matter is potentiality.  What exists are relations of more or less stable patterns.  Obviously, it is a greater stability of the pattern that gives "consistency" to matter.

However, reality contains a physics that -with due differences between map and territory- explains the stability of matter.

In 1910, the English physicist Ernest Rutherford conducted an experiment in which gold foil was bombarded with high-energy particles.  99.9% of the particles passed through the gold foil as if it weren't there.  However, 0.01% bounced off.  The parallel would be a bullet fired from a cannon being "returned" by a sheet of paper.

Astonished, the scientists involved in the experiment concluded that there must be something "hard" inside the atom.  Moreover, this nucleus must be tiny, since most of the bombarded particles simply passed through the gold leaf.

Yes, the nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons, which are completely similar except for the positive charge of the proton and the neutral charge of the neutron. And the relationship between this nucleus and the electrons that orbit it, forming the atom, is proportional to a grain of sand in the Maracanã stadium.

Yes, that's right.  The matter is -barely- more than empty.

So why can't we go through a wall?

Because of the strong electromagnetic force that binds atoms together.

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