Planck E PressCenter Articles

Misunderstanding the Universe

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-09-01
Date modified: 2023-09-01
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Misunderstanding the Universe

“Long before the Theater of the Absurd, Woolrich discovered that an

incomprehensible universe is best reflected in an incomprehensible story.”

Francis Nevins


Proposing a theory of quantum gravity would explain everything.  Unfortunately, it did not fit the universe.

It is the unification of quantum theories and relativity that is sought.  Or the reality of the very small and the very large.

This Holy Grail boils down to the combination of four forces: electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear interactions.  Since that hasn't happened in sixty years, let's force ourselves to invent a fifth force.

In the books of Prigogine (not the recently deceased creator of Wagner), Davies, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and Gell-Mann, to name a few, there is a depth that goes far beyond career, Nobel Prize, or Planck Medal.  It is a primal questioning of the need to rethink concepts.  Including the basis of exact science itself, necessarily including human and biological science.

According to Heisenberg, the science we understand as definitive -until a better one is installed- is simply the metabolic decoding accepted by Consensus.

What we are looking for is the confirmation of a segment of reality, since -definitely- we cannot deal with the magnitude of what exists out there.

If there is one out there.  With the bootstrap model, the physicist Chew proposed the non-existence of an external reality.  So did the biologists Maturana and Varela.

Ultimately, what would exist would be interrelationships of stable patterns that reach levels of complexity that result in a reality shared by metastable metabolisms.

And so there is no such thing as quantum mechanics, relativity, four, five, or 189 forces. There is only the wonder of perception.

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