Planck E PressCenter Articles

Nihilism vs. Eternalism

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-26
Date modified: 2023-06-26
Reading time: 00:01:02

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Nihilism vs. Eternalism

“That's how we stay young these days: murder and suicide.”

Eugène Ionesco


On the one hand, a depressed Leibniz wonders "why there should be something beyond nothing" and, on the other hand, unchanging and solid matter.

Beyond these two simplistic poles, quantum mechanics, in its philosophical aspect, asks for the existence of objective reality.  And this search brings us back to the question of Leibniz who, at a certain stage of his dance with nihilism, appealed to logic: "Is it because there is nothing that phenomena are possible?"

In this labyrinth, quantum mechanics appeals to interrelations.  Always interrelations.

The mind, for example.  A framework of patterned interrelationships; of interdependent phenomena that we cannot call existent, just as we cannot call non-existent.

Our limited intellect cannot grasp the intrinsic nature of reality through its conceptualization.

Only direct experience, which transcends philosophy, can and does grasp it through the metabolic interrelationship of being and situation.  And then the whole dichotomous conceptualization of Consensus is overcome.

Subject and object are one and mean nothing but the eternity of this moment.

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