Planck E PressCenter Articles

Nirvana of Symmetry

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-08-30
Date modified: 2023-08-30
Reading time: 00:01:08

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Nirvana of Symmetry

“The desire for symmetry, for balance, for rhythm in form as

well as in sound, is one of the most inveterate of human instincts.”

Edith Wharton


From the coarse granulation, there is symmetry in Nature.  Yes, because if we go down to the level of detail, the tip of one ice crystal is not exactly the same as the one opposite; the design of one butterfly's wing is not the imprint of the other.  From the human perspective, we are constantly looking for (and finding) symmetry.  Until it is very clear that it does not exist.

If you look at the photo that illustrates this article, you will notice that there is an enlightened Buddha inside the primordial Mandelbrot fractal.  And this perfectly illustrates the human quest where, through symmetry, we will surely find peace.  And that goes against what is natural.

Nature is wild, destructive, and cruel.  It's much more like the angry and vengeful God of Genesis than Satori.  Yet we've created such an elaborate Consensus  that all we see is symmetry.  In pines, pineapples, and pitangas.

When we watch a lion devour a Thomson gazelle, we sublimate the horror of the carnage and blood and focus on the power of Nature.  At the same time, we create layers and layers of varnish to obscure the wild animal that inhabits us.

In modern physics, where we are constantly looking for symmetries, where we cloud fundamental ignorance with connections that reach complexities that decay into occurrences, it is the symmetries, the supersymmetries, that give rise to forces.

In some way that I don't really understand, we have taken our mathematical abstractions as physical foundations, and in our hunger for answers, we have defined impossible symmetries as the fundamental building blocks of Nature.

As fundamental as the Higgs boson?

Yes, exactly.

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