Planck E PressCenter Articles

Prismatic Quantum Mechanics - The Subjectivists

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-03-27
Date modified: 2023-03-27
Reading time: 00:01:06

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Prismatic Quantum Mechanics - The Subjectivists

“Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that

it is taking longer and longer to train a physicist.”

Eugene Wigner


In view of the very reliable results that quantum mechanics produces in technological development, most of the physicists working in this field abandoned the quantum essence and became mechanics.  Physics bureaucrats.

However, human curiosity is resilient, and those who have quantum mechanics in their hearts continue to try to unravel its mind-boggling mysteries.

These can be divided into two groups: the subjectivists and the realists.  In the next article, we will visit the latter.

The subjectivists, also known as idealists, follow what was originally proposed by the Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner, for whom only the presence of a conscience, or better, a conscious mind, would allow the reduction of the wave function.

As a reminder, in quantum mechanics, we work with clouds that follow, albeit in an unusual way, the logic of potentialities-possibilities-probabilities and occurrence.  Occurrence is the result of wave reduction.  Yes.  It has everything to do with the deconstruction of Laplace's Demon proposed in Omphalos.

According to Wigner: "It is impossible to describe atomic phenomena without the intervention of consciousness. It is the entry of an impression into our consciousness that changes the wave function".


There is a time lag between the moment when a device registers the measurement of a particle and the moment when the observer perceives it.  The relationship between the particle and the measuring device occurs at the speed of light, and when it reaches the observer's eye, this information is transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain via neurons; an operation that takes a fraction of a second, but is not instantaneous.

That is, if the reduction of the wave function does not occur until the moment we become aware of it, the subjectivists postulate that the observer's conscientiousness is maktub.  It was written.

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