Planck E PressCenter Articles

Psychology and the Arrow of Time

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-04-03
Date modified: 2023-04-03
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Psychology and the Arrow of Time

Perception is reality.

Lee Atwater


The Arrow of Time is nothing more than the result of our metabolism.  It is our brain that interprets a reality in which we are born into a world and die from it.

Psychological time has no return.  And it is precisely this inexorability that torments us so much.

When Einstein proposes the relativity of time, he does so in a deterministic sense, and therefore we take his physics as an extension of the Newtonian one.

It is when quantum mechanics comes into play, with its amplitudes and frequencies that the sciences related to the psyche are revolutionized.

The French philosopher Henri Bergson, for example, defined time as an illusion, an adaptation of our organisms to a comfortable segment of reality, where we live the interval of life that suits us, trying to ignore -as much as possible- our imminent death.

While for Einstein's liberty, creativity would only be possible with real Arrow of Time, where there is a world of material things that is completely independent of our perception of reality, for Bergson, it is the inner life, the intimate perception of reality that would define time.

For Edmund Husserl, there is only an incomprehensible time, consistent with the ultra-bold perspectives of Maturana and Chew, where the world is absolutely individual and ends with the death of the subject.

For Einstein and the relativists, everything is written.  For the quantum mechanics crowd, nothing.

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