Planck E PressCenter Articles

Sentience and Episcience

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-08-07
Date modified: 2023-08-07
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Sentience and Episcience

“When many people gather together to share one common emotion, the total

psyche emerging from the group is below the level of the individual psyche.”

Carl Jung


In our exploration of Artificial Intelligence, we have talked a lot about consciousness.  But what comes before?  And what comes after?

In both philosophy and psychology, the concept of consciousness cannot be satisfactorily contextualized without this before and after.

Sentience is directly related to experience and, like that credit card, it is personal and non-transferable.

The ego that flourishes in reflective awareness is born in sentience.  It is in sentience that proprioception begins, the metabolic relationship between what is perceived and the boundaries of the body itself.

Take a dog, for example.  It has its own memory, its own emotions, its own temperament.  Anyone who has owned more than one dog knows this to be absolutely true.

As everything indicates (neither I nor the scientists who agree with this position have any memory of being a dog), the manifestations of the dog are linked to the three principles that are specific to it and to a set of brain circuits that interrelate memory and emotions, manifesting when according to your temperament.

Episcience, on the other hand, finds its cradle in the collective unconscious of Carl Jung.

A highly controversial concept that defends the inheritance of images, archetypes, and even psychological tendencies from our ancestors.  I agree that this goes back to the physical characteristics that Cesare Lombroso saw in criminals or other frightening types of dogma that led to eugenics.

However, we could stick to the aspects we share with the group: the joy when our team wins the championship, the sadness when Ayrton Senna dies, or the exuberance of Carnival.

Coming together in pain, in anger, in exaltation, in joy, can very well signal an episcience awaiting elucidation.

Decipher me or I'll devour you.

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