Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Complexity of Boiling Water

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-12
Date modified: 2023-06-12
Reading time: 00:01:03

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Complexity of Boiling Water

Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge”

Winston S. Churchill


There is a very strong current of physicists and biologists who seek a bridge between the inanimate and living based on the principles of self-organization and emergent properties.

One of the most famous koans is the one about the tree that falls in the forest without anyone noticing: does it make a sound when it falls?

This scientific trend, which began in the 1940s, is an expression of weariness with the hermeticism of quantum mechanics.  If this hermetic physics works, why bother with the philosophy behind it?  Similarly, if we see the world as existing, whether we are aware of it or not, it is much easier to find a mechanistic bridge that connects the inanimate to life.  Much easier.

Following this path, all conclusions are based on open physical-chemical systems.  Without any questioning, they postulate bifurcation points where chaos suddenly turns into an organization.

That's what happens with water.  Even though there is homogeneity, there is no structure.  When the boiling point is reached, the heat of convection organizes the flow and ensures the transition from an unstructured state to a self-organized one.

If this scientific current is satisfied with the fact that it is the introduction of heat that guarantees convection and not a bifurcation in the state of water, good for them.  For now, physics is in the hands of people with simpler minds.


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