Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Four Forces

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2024-01-15
Date modified: 2024-01-15
Reading time: 00:01:25

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Four Forces

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree.

I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Abraham Lincoln


In China, four is the number of stability.  For Pythagoras, it was the generating number of gods and men.

As far as we have progressed theoretically with physics, today we have four forces that govern everything and the Holy Grail of scientists of Stephen Hawking's caliber, in their search for the unification of these four forces in a single theory.

Alright, you're tired of hearing about it.  However, in the same way that 3 economists, among the zillions who cite The Wealth of Nations, actually read the entire book, there is a staggering lack of knowledge regarding what comes after the phrase The fundamental interaction is composed of four forces: electromagnetism, gravity and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

To begin to understand this context, we are talking about the theory that now prevails and not a truth written in blood.  Secondly, this theory is valid within certain parameters that define what is today a “realistic” approach, where we work with distinct particles.  That said, let's get to them.

The strong nuclear force is responsible for the cohesion of atomic nuclei.  It is the glue that holds together the protons and neutrons that form these nuclei, in addition to the quarks that form these protons and neutrons.  Even though it is extremely effective in maintaining the stable cohesion of these parts, the range of the strong nuclear force is tiny: a thousandth of a billionth of a centimeter.

The weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactivity or the transmutation of atomic nuclei that spontaneously lose a part of their mass and, in the process, emit particles or electromagnetic radiation.  Its range is equivalent to one-tenth that of the strong nuclear force.

The electromagnetic force is what holds all atoms together, including those that, grouped into molecules, form the double helices of DNA.  It is electromagnetism that provides stability to the patterns that result in the solidity of objects.  In other words, it is the force that causes that bump on the bed to almost rip off our little toe.

The force of gravity is what not only stops us from flying but also makes us fall.  Within our current knowledge, it is the force that designs the Universe; which makes the planets revolve around their suns and connects them all together, forming galaxies.

By the way, just like The Island of the Day Before, by Umberto Eco, the first part of The Wealth of Nations is extremely boring.  However, the rest of the book is like a really good trip: pure delight that Smith rewards us with after overcoming the initial difficulties.

Per Aspera ad Astra.

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