Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Invisible Line

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-09-04
Date modified: 2023-09-04
Reading time: 00:01:02

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Invisible Line

“Dogmatism and scepticism are both, in a sense, absolute

philosophies; one is certain of knowing, the other of not knowing.”

Bertrand Russell


For the Tewa Indians of New Mexico, the land around the Rio Grande River is the center of the Universe.

From the center of the Earth, a lake rises to the surface, bringing with it the first inhabitants, who from there set out in all directions to explore the world.

After a while, these pioneers return to the origins and the exchange of experiences leads to the realization that in the whole wild and hostile world there was only a small and -conveniently- square area that could be inhabited.

This area was delimited by the four mountains that from then on became sacred: the peaks of Chicoma and Sandia, part of the Jemez Mountains, Canjilon Peak to the north, and Truchas Peak in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

This small area, in what is now New Mexico, would be the earthly paradise designated by the gods, where homo would be guaranteed a life of harmony.

For the Matis Indians of the Amazon forest, the community house is the center of the Universe, of peace and harmony.  And the Shobo must always remain upstream of the river.

14.5 billion years ago, something the size of a marble exploded.  Before it, there was no time or space, and with it, modern science was born.

All of our craziest ideas become scientific dogmas -if you'll pardon the oxymoron- when they are corroborated by correlations born of this explosion.

Because I know them, I prefer the poetry of the Matis.

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