Planck E PressCenter Articles

Changeux and the Neuronal Homo

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-07-12
Date modified: 2023-07-12
Reading time: 00:01:07

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Changeux and the Neuronal Homo

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.”

Stephen Hawking


One of the most interesting concepts in neurobiology comes from the French scientist Jean-Pierre Changeux.  For him, there is the possibility of a homo neuronal, or a being capable of love through Artificial Intelligence.

As the subject of this article, we will return to Changeux.  But I think it's interesting to take a look at a group of scientists who were excited about the concept of biocomputers in the 1990s.  One of the most enthusiastic was Fritjof Capra.

The idea of biocomputers emerged at the same time as the genome project:  from the decoding of DNA, it would be possible to introduce nanochips based on diamond, which, through alkylation, would incorporate this nanomaterial into our metabolism.

Since you've probably never heard of it, you can conclude that the idea has not taken off.  It is the eternal combination of arrogance, ignorance and an optimism that knows no bounds in the human race.

Just to give you an idea of the size of the gap, we now know that about 2% of the DNA does all the work.  Yep.  The other 98%, known as ncDNA, was considered garbage until recently.  Seriously?

Perfect timing for us to return to Changeux.

For the neurobiologist, the evolution of artificial intelligence from its combination to our metabolism was only a matter of time.  For him, the lack of consciousness in today's computers would find an absolutely logical and satisfying answer in the Arrow of Time: the human brain took more than a billion years to achieve consciousness, while computers began in the 1950s.

Changeux's neuronal homo is a biocomputer, and that path proved so bleak to us that we abandoned it.

What really counts is Changeux's consciousness, his intelligence, which conceived this idea through countless neuronal connections.  Naturally.

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