Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Open System Life

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-19
Date modified: 2023-06-19
Reading time: 00:01:13

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Open System Life

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Mae West


In chemistry, an open system is one that exchanges matter and energy with the environment.  A semi-open system exchanges only energy, and in an isolated system there is no exchange.

So organisms are open systems, and the beauty of this is that life does not occur in isolation.  But what distinguishes life from non-life?  Yes, non-life, because death is not the opposite, but only the end of the cycle.  So, because of the polarity of water, when the first lipids unite in this primordial soup, creating the first bubble, life appears.  Even though there is an exchange between this vesicle and its environment, and even though its primordial constitution is exactly that of that soup, there is now a context in which some form of energy enters, is processed, and its waste is expelled.

In this primordial vesicle begins the interrelationship of patterns that will culminate in the Complexity of the human being -if we are totally self-centered- or in the sublime beauty of life on Earth, if we recognize our small place in this fantastic warp.

The fact is that the complexity of interrelationships causes the increase of entropy or change agents that constantly break the equilibrium, leading to new interrelationships and keeping the whole system in perpetual metastability.

And if the enrichment of oxygen in our atmosphere was a gradual process, and entirely due to vegetation; a crazy asteroid could do enormous damage, like the one that destroyed the dinosaurs and wiped out 75% of the plant species 65 million years ago.

Ultimately, it is the properties that emerge from the consequences of the action of changing agents that guide self-organization and alter the interrelationships of patterns, from the quantum level onward.

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