Planck E PressCenter Articles

The Quark and the Intellect

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-08-25
Date modified: 2023-08-25
Reading time: 00:01:09

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

The Quark and the Intellect

“The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but

it does not rest until it has gained a hearing.”

Sigmund Freud


When Murray Gell-Mann postulated the quark, he did so out of his gigantic intellect and was therefore fully convinced of its quality within the theory of quantum mechanics.

That is, Gell-Mann never treated his particle as a piece of reality.  Nevertheless, the quark is eternal.

Today we have hundreds of particles that are more or less treated as expressions of the real, and in the process, the quark has gained complexity.

To begin with, we have eighteen types of quarks, belonging to three families and characterized by two properties: flavor and color.  Of course, quark flavor has nothing to do with milk pudding or Valentino red; these are abstract properties.  In each of their families, quarks can have two tastes and three colors, which brings us to 18.

The matter that makes up our world is made up of only two kinds of quarks (up and down).  The other types are only found in particle accelerators.

And these quarks of ours are always the same, in their eternity?  First of all, this eternity refers to the quark that occupies that position at any given moment.  It is the quark-concept and not the quark-individual.  In other words, no.  Quarks can change flavors as long as their electrical charge changes.

Yes, the quark can transform, but not without consequences.  When an up quark becomes a down quark, the proton becomes a neutron and emits a positron and a neutrino.

The positron is the antiparticle of the electron, and the neutrino is a particle of neutral mass, zillions of which pass through our bodies all the time.

And that is simply exercising our neurons, creating intellect.

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