Planck E PressCenter Articles

Time, Space and Reality

Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date published: 2023-06-21
Date modified: 2023-06-21
Reading time: 00:01:04

Author: Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik

Time, Space and Reality

“The now that passes creates time.

And the now that remains creates eternity.”



In Relativity, physical time simply exists.  It is motionless and static, while space-time gives it wholeness, encompassing all events from birth to the death of the universe.

That's what makes Einstein the greatest genius of recent times.  Relativistic physics is nothing more than version 2.0 of Newtonian physics: convenient.

The imminence of our death requires the determination of a segment of reality that we can call our own and that is necessarily deterministic.

When quantum mechanics enters the scene, with all the discomfort of a stiletto 10 on the streets of Parati, it is not only Einsteinian space-time that is confronted but reality itself.

Time is neither static nor dynamic.  Time is a convention in which its absolute nature is nothing but emptiness.  There is no existence of its own in time, and in its fourth manifestation -in addition to past, present, and future- there is the indivisibility of thought and perception proposed by Kant or the philosophy contained in Boethius's phrase that opens this article.

In quantum mechanics, the reality of space-time is contained in our personal experience.  Exactly what Fritjof Capra realized in Buddhism.

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