Planck E PressCenter

ECO/Carbon Market Report #87/2024

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of June 11 to 17, 2024. Reading time: 00:01:13
Report published Mon, 06-17-2024

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Energy Week in Review #6/2022 Report published Thu, 10-20-2022

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of October 12 to October 18, 2022. 00:02:09 Reading time

State of Vogue Article published Wed, 10-19-2022

State of Vogue is a book that relates fashion to our baser instincts. After all, accounting for 2% of the world's GDP, fashion goes far beyond the superfluous, and Vogue goes far beyond fashion... 00:01:34 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #8/2022 Report published Tue, 10-18-2022

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 11 to 17, 2022. 00:01:13 Reading time

Mathematics and the Paris Fashion Week Article published Mon, 10-17-2022

Everything created by the human being mimics nature; even for lack of another parameter. Mathematics is present in everything, and fashion is the answer that reason provides to our instincts. And they love it. 00:02:41 Reading time

Nothing is Stationary in Cosmic Creations... Including Thoughts... Article published Fri, 10-14-2022

It is now an opportune time for professionals to have the passion as the fourth pillar of society for doing things impartially and be independent of influences by the nexus of governance - judiciaries - economists. 00:01:27 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #5/2022 Report published Thu, 10-13-2022

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of October 05 to October 11, 2022. 00:02:09 Reading time

What Will I Do With This Book? Article published Wed, 10-12-2022

The inaction to which we find ourselves constrained in the face of incompetence, corruption, and, at times, a total lack of character from our leaders, fought with humor. Patrizia Tomasi-Bensik throws a whopping punch in her first thriller KKA. 00:01:24 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #7/2022 Report published Tue, 10-11-2022

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 04 to 10, 2022. 00:01:13 Reading time

Nature and Collective Suicide Article published Mon, 10-10-2022

Our arrogance is so overbearing that we do not realize -good scientists and the evil merchants of doubt- that while we maintain passion, indignation, insidiousness, and disloyalty, we are all heading toward our deaths. 00:02:08 Reading time

Being Data: The Pleasure of Discovery Article published Fri, 10-07-2022

Aristotle said that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The mechanics of relativistic physics took us to the moon, but it is the contextualization of Big Data that can defeat Laplace's Demon! 00:02:06 Reading time

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