Planck E PressCenter

ECO/Carbon Market Report #103/2024

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 01 to 07, 2024. Reading time: 00:01:13
Report published Tue, 10-08-2024

Risk Management

The book Risk Management in the Green Markets exposes the inner workings of the Renovabio scandal.

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Ethics and the Collective Article published Wed, 11-08-2023

Of course, the processes of mitosis and meiosis are perfectly synchronized in the embryo. Not in cloning. And? 00:01:06 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #59/2023 Report published Tue, 11-07-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 31 to November 06, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

Building Quantum Theory Article published Mon, 11-06-2023

Quantum mechanics is the pig that flies; it's Van Gogh's Starry Night. With each discovery, it becomes more interesting, more fascinating, more stimulating. Sadly, only for a few. 00:01:04 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #56/2023 Report published Thu, 11-02-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of October 25 to October 31, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Social Consciousness Article published Wed, 11-01-2023

According to Maturana, communication is not the transmission of information. It is rather a coordination of the behavior of organisms in a mutual structural coupling. 00:01:04 Reading time

Singularity or Instability Article published Tue, 10-31-2023

Do we associate entropy with matter-energy or space-time? Watch out for the elephant in the room... 00:01:03 Reading time

Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics Article published Fri, 10-27-2023

If an explanation for the disintegration of an electron has not been found, can it be concluded that such an explanation does not exist? 00:01:01 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #55/2023 Report published Thu, 10-26-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of October 18 to October 24, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Werner, Niels and Language Article published Wed, 10-25-2023

The meaning of a word depends on its context, the circumstances in which it is used, and a multitude of other factors. 00:01:04 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #57/2023 Report published Tue, 10-24-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 17 to 23, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

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Risk Management

The book Risk Management in the Green Markets exposes the inner workings of the Renovabio scandal.

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