Planck E PressCenter

ECO/Carbon Market Report #103/2024

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of October 01 to 07, 2024. Reading time: 00:01:13
Report published Tue, 10-08-2024

Carbon Credits

Superficial knowledge about carbon credits is no longer an excuse.

Learn more

AI and the Triune Brain Article published Wed, 06-14-2023

Will Artificial Intelligence end humanity, or will it be absorbed by it, in an eternal life in the cloud? 00:01:10 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #37/2023 Report published Tue, 06-13-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of June 06 to 12, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

The Complexity of Boiling Water Article published Mon, 06-12-2023

When something is difficult for us to understand, we have three choices. Give up, insist, or invent a convenient way out. 00:01:03 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #35/2023 Report published Thu, 06-08-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of May 31 to June 06, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Emerging Properties Article published Wed, 06-07-2023

Laplace's Demon is the simplistic certainty associated with the knowledge of all facts that involve a possibility with the revelation of the event. 00:01:04 Reading time

ECO/Carbon Market Report #36/2023 Report published Tue, 06-06-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the carbon and ecological credits market for the period of May 30 to June 5, 2023. 00:01:13 Reading time

Descartes and the Pineal Gland Article published Mon, 06-05-2023

Can we call René Descartes ridiculous? 00:01:03 Reading time

Fruits of Chance Article published Fri, 06-02-2023

Are we the result of cosmic chance or the result of a very sophisticated arrangement whose emergent property is consciousness? 00:01:06 Reading time

Energy Week in Review #34/2023 Report published Thu, 06-01-2023

This report by Planck E is about the prices and trends of the global energy market for the period of May 24 to May 30, 2023. 00:02:09 Reading time

Conscience and Reality Article published Wed, 05-31-2023

Consciousness grasps reality or conceives it? 00:01:04 Reading time

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